Spotlights on VET – Short brochures

The brochure briefly outlines the key features, challenges and developments of the respective VET system.

also on Cedefop website

The "Spotlight on VET" offers a compact and comprehensive insight. It concisely presents the system of vocational education and training of the respective countries, as well as their specifics, and names the current and future challenges. Essential data illustrate the current situation.

Building on individual country Spotlights, the 2020 compilation brings together the main features and data of VET in the EU, Iceland and Norway.

Since 2014, animated videos describing the national VET systems are produced based on the Spotlights of the EU Presidency countries: Spain, Sweden, France, Slovenia, Portugal, Germany, Croatia, Finland, Romania, Austria, Bulgaria, Estonia, Malta, Slovakia, Netherlands, Luxembourg, Latvia, Italy.

Here are the latest brochures: