Latest developments

ReferNet offers a selection of news on current developments in vocational education and training in Germany and Europe.

link to Cedefop news

VET News International

The ReferNet Germany information service "VET News International" offers twice a month an overview of the latest publications and links.

On the right are the three most recent issues.

All issues can be found here: Archive 

National News on VET

These brief messages from the ReferNet countries provide information on recent developments in VET, employment and in the labour market. link to Cedefop website

Here is a selection of "National News on VET" from Germany: 

Since September 2023, the new portal ‘Stays abroad in training’ has been offering comprehensive guidance on how institutions can enable and support their apprentices in acquiring skills abroad. It targets stakeholders involved in apprenticeships, such as training companies, vocational schools and chambers. The new portal complements the existing portal ‘My apprenticeship abroad’, which provides counselling services to apprentices themselves.  read more

Many VET policy measures focusing on vocational orientation for young people are being launched to counteract the shortage of skilled workers, the decline in training numbers and high dropout rates. The current issue of BIBB's journal Berufsbildung in Wissenschaft und Praxis (Vocational training in research and practice) (BWP 2/2023) summarises the latest findings.  read more

Digitalisation and the energy transition require new skilled workers, while the numbers of young people opting for vocational training are declining. The Excellence in VET initiative addresses these challenges in VET with a portfolio of new and already established programmes.  read more

The integration of digital learning technologies in apprenticeship have proven to be a competitive advantage in the search for applicants. Currently, various projects are promoting the use of digital technologies in VET, such as data glasses (augmented reality glasses, AR glasses), virtual reality and artificial intelligence (AI).  read more

According to the Federal Office for Migration and Refugees, 610 103 people from Ukraine were registered by the beginning of May, of whom 241 769 are minors. Some 80% of all adults are women. This article describes services available on arrival, learning the German language, integration in the education system in general and specifically into vocational education and training, as well as integration into the labour market. read more 

The growing number of apprentices with a higher education entrance qualification bring new demands to VET curricula. The Hamburg University of Applied Sciences and the project Study-integrated training (SiA-NRW) are now bringing academic study content into the curricula of some dual training programmes. Participants start with dual vocational training (apprenticeship) and a bachelor degree programme in parallel. read more  

Occupational profile items are interdisciplinary competences within the training regulations that are the same for all apprentices. They are an essential basis for employability skills and vocational proficiency and are part of the general training plans and the subject of examinations. From 1 August 2021, training regulations will include the new minimum standards for the defined skills, knowledge and competences for the following four subject areas:

- company, VET, labour and tariff law;

- health and safety at work;

- environmental protection and sustainability;

- digitalised world of work.

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The National Skills Strategy, launched in June 2019, responds to the changing world of work by promoting a new training culture, which sees occupational CVET as a lifelong necessity. Two years later, an implementation report looks into the measures taken so far. What has been accomplished? What comes next? read more

Seek and you shall find. While easily said, the search for a suitable continuing professional training programme is still difficult. What tools can make a change to find a perfect fit in a huge and heterogeneous continuing education market? The INVITE innovation competition aims to find answers to this question, with the help of artificial intelligence. read more

In 2020 the Federal Institute for Vocational Education and Training (BIBB) celebrates its 50th anniversary. The institute stands for the partnership in vocational education and training (VET) between the state and the business community that shapes the system in Germany. read more


BIBB News is the BIBB newsletter with up-to-date information on vocational training issues. read more